Meet the Crew
We are very fortunate to have a large number of adults who help either in the front line or behind the scenes. Here you can get to know a little about them and hopefully put a face to the name!
Chris "Goo" Group Scout Leader
Chris has lead the group over *cough* a few years to the strong position we are currently in. Over the years Chris has shared many words of wisdom and often the odd joke for good measure. He is currently the only person at 2nd Deal to be certified to use Duct Tape!
Steve Group Helper
Steve is a man of many jobs at the group. At camp he has yet another job as nocturnal security guard where he replicates the noise of wild bears to warn of intruders.
Beryl Group Chairperson
Beryl joined the group as our chairperson. She has a very good scouting history and brings that experience to a very supportive committee as well as a wide variety of wildlife friends!.
Brian Group Treasurer
Brian has been looking after the groups coffers for several years now and has done a great job saving us money where he can. Brian is always happy to spend money on badges for the boys and girls but be careful not to mention a certain utility companies name near him!
Cath "Wolf" Beaver Section Leader
Cath has led our beaver section for a number of years now and has established it as one of the biggest and best in the district. Cath is also a very keen sailor and has been part of a sailing team who has brought this skill back to 2nd Deal after a lengthy break.
Rachel "Kangaroo" Assistant Beaver Leader
Rachel joined the group when one of her daughters joined as a Scout and has been with the beaver section ever since. As well as being an assistant beaver leader Rachel is usually out on the water with us in the summer months.
Becca "Fox" Assistant Beaver Leader
Becca was introduced to the group by Rachel and has been an assistant beaver leader for the last few years.
Kath "Akela" Cub Section Leader
Kath is also known as Chris' better half. Kath and Diane have done a great job building up the Cub section and have seen it grow from strength to strength over the years.
Diane "Shere Khan" Assistant Cub Leader
Diane is Kath's right hand man and the two often communicate using some form of telepathy that only they understand!
Kevin "Bear" Assistant Cub Leader
Kevin started off in the group with the Beaver section before moving to Cubs. Kevin is trained in bushcraft skills so often leads camp fires and other back-to-basic skilled activities.
Tracey Assistant Cub Leader
Tracey, otherwise known as Bagheera, helps out in our cub section as our assistant cub leader!
Jordan Scout Section Leader
Jordan has been with the group since he was a beaver and has always been involved with helping out as either a young leader or now as Scout Leader. Jordan is usually quite quiet but when he does need to shout instructions it is like listening to a baby T-rex.
Karolyn Assistant Beaver Leader
Karolyn has been a scout leader since her boys were scouts. Legend has it that when Karolyn applied to come to the group as a helper she accidently left the job role blank, we needed a scout leader at the time so the choice was made for her! Nowadays Karolyn helps out in our Beaver section and is known as Butterfly.
Ella Assistant Scout Leader
Ella was one of the first girls to join the group as a scout. She is usually busy behind the scenes and helps at both Scouts and Explorers but comes into her own at camp where she has the nickname "nursey", Ella is usually helping clean up all sorts of wonderful things with her rubber gloves!
Rosemary Assistant Scout Leader
Rosemary has been in or around the group since her boys were scouts themselves. Recently she has joined us as an assistant scout leader.
Henry Explorer Section Leader
Henry dubs himself as the Archbishop of Banterbury within the group, bringing his own style of banter and making people laugh. Henry is learning though and has just learnt there is a speed between full speed and stop in the powerboats!
Danny Assistant Explorer Leader
Danny has been with the group since he joined the Scout section as an 11 year old. He spends most of his time keeping an eye on the Explorers and then repairing the stuff they break!
Mark Group Helper
Mark is usually found with his hand in the biscuit tin! Otherwise known as dishonourable son no.1 Mark has previously come through the system at 2nd Deal himself.
Mark Group Helper
Mark is usually spotted fixing something out in the workshop or the compound. Mark has brought new skills to assist us in this area and helps keep the crafts and equipment serviceable throughout the year. That is when he is not on the golf course!
Shannara Group Helper
Shannara is one of the newer members of the crew! Shannara has been learning the ropes with the boating side and spends most of the time helping with Scouts or Explorers. Although, she could help where she wants as she is a black belt in Judo!
Jack Group Helper
Jack has recently become an occasional helper having come through the system himself and was a young leader to Cubs and Scouts. Jack also designed the majority of this website for the group.
Will Assistant Explorer Leader
Will has recently risen to the responsibility of helping Henry look after the Explorer group, which is no easy task!
Lucy Group Helper
Lucy joined the cubs section in 2019 and was given the name 'Kaa'. She enjoyed her first cub camp last year and is keen to help the cubs achieve their full potential. Lucy is a teacher for children with visual impairment when not at cubs and enjoys bike rides, beach walks and living in Deal.