Welcome to 2nd Deal
Our website complies with scout association POR FS295207. Set out below are some considerations and legal obligations we need to tell you.
Terms of use
This website was designed for the use of parents, families and friends of 2nd Deal Sea Scouts (the group). It is to be used for communicate important information in a secure method to those who need it. From time to time there may be blogs, comments or posts by young people or parents linked to 2nd Deal. These comments do not necessarily represent those of the group or the Scout Association. Any foul language or abusive behaviour will be removed from the website as soon as possible.
Use of personal information
Any personal information given to us (for example; names, address, email address etc) will be treated as highly confidential. This information may be used by the section/assistant leader to contact you regarding a scouting related matter. Email addresses are also added to our group email account for the purpose of communicating information and replying to any queries. This information will be made available to other section leaders as the young person progresses through the group. Only a small number of section/assistant leaders have access to the group email account and these are selected by the Group Scout Leader based on need of use. Your information will never be given (by 2nd Deal Sea Scouts) to any third party without prior permission.
Use of photographs
We use photographs that have been taken by members of the group on the website. Permission for this is covered in our membership pack upon joining the group. Where photographs are used we will not use a young person's full name (where possible we will not use names at all). If you wish to change your preference for our use of photographs then you must email walmerseascouts@talktalk.net clearly stating this along with your child's name so can stop using photos with them in. In addition to this, names listed may not match their position in a photograph to help keep anonymity.
Meeting places and events
Whilst our section meetings times are listed, any deviation from the usual meeting places and times for other events (except fundraisers at the HQ) will not be listed in public view on the website. This information is available behind the password protected event pages. You can obtain a password by emailing walmerseascouts@talktalk.net and specifying who you are and your relation to the young person. You will then be added to a mailing list to receive an up to date password each month. This information will also be available by contacting a leader, coming to see us on meeting nights or via letters home.
Technical bits
Log Files - As you access our website, technical information about your computer is usually stored on the Web Server; what operation system your computer is using, what pages were visited etc.
Our website does not use cookies or tracking cookies. However, your browser might for things such as passwords or autofill data.